The next statewide precinct caucuses will be held in 2026. Unless the chairs of the two largest major parties jointly notify the Secretary of State of a different date by March 1, 2025, the precinct caucuses will take place on February 3, 2026.
Never been to a caucus? Not sure how it works? Learn more about the process below!
We encourage Minnesotans to show support for their preferred candidates by participating in the candidate endorsement process that leads up to the state party conventions.
Going to a caucus is a great way to show support for a candidate, raise an issue that’s important to you, influence who the party will endorse for many offices, and meet people in your community.
The 2026 precinct caucuses are scheduled to be held on Tuesday, February 3, 2026 at 7:00 p.m. DFL and Republican state party chairs have until March 1, 2025 to agree to a different date. They will take place at locations set by the parties. (see M.S. 202A.14) Parties share these locations with the Secretary of State, and voters can find the caucus location for their address with the Caucus Finder tool.
Precinct caucuses are meetings run by Minnesota’s political parties. They are the first in a series of meetings where parties may endorse candidates, select delegates, and set goals and values (called party platforms). Statewide precinct caucuses take place on a specific date in even years as described above. Contact parties for information about other meetings, including those in odd years.
Each political party runs their caucus meetings a little differently. Check with your political party if you have specific questions. Generally, there are three main activities at a caucus:
If you have questions, concerns or a complaint about your precinct caucus, please contact the political party holding the caucus meeting. Unlike elections, which are run by local and state government election officials, precinct caucuses are run by political parties. Everything from site location to how the caucus is conducted is the responsibility of the party.
You have the right to take time off work to be at a precinct caucus or political party convention (if you’re a delegate or alternate). You must give your employer ten days’ written notice (See 202A.19, subd.2 and 202A.135).
Major political parties must attempt to provide you an interpreter by request, if you are deaf, deafblind, or hard-of-hearing. If you are visually impaired, you also have the right to get written caucus materials ahead of time, by request (see 202A.155).
So that all voters can attend the caucus, some groups cannot hold meetings after 6 p.m. on caucus night:
For more details, see 202A.19.
Results of the Republican Party Governor preference polling is available below.
The Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis Party, and Legal Marijuana Now Party did not report any preference polling results.
Precinct Caucus Preference Ballot Results (February 1, 2022)