Minnesota Secretary Of State - County Staff (Re Housing Lists and Agreements, Campus Polling Places, Etc.)
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County Staff (Re Housing Lists and Agreements, Campus Polling Places, Etc.)

Postsecondary institutions want to understand and fulfill the obligations under the laws passed in 2023 (See the summary below), including submitting the annual agreement and the student housing lists to your offices.  This page is meant to share their questions with you as a group, and gather specifics and general examples to post on the web page set up for their institutions.  We do advise each college and university to reach out to you, their county elections staff, for specific answers and to establish a relationship, and we let them know that the law requires that you reach out to them.  This page will be an additional resource.

At any time, please reach out with questions, examples, and suggestions for resources and information to make available to postsecondary institutions.

Michael Wall, Youth Voter Outreach Specialist      Michael.Wall@state.mn.us      651-201-6892


ASK QUESTIONS     |      Submit examples
We'll get back to                 Share your agreements,
you with an answer.               housing list fields, etc.

The question and answer or the resource/ example might be posted here as a resource.

COLLEGE/University Questions We Have Received







Postsecondary Institutional Requirements
(based on accepting state and/or federal aid)
We made sure that every institution knows thESE,
and are offering help to them.



County Responses/Resources Shared

1. Written agreement for institution to provide student housing lists to the county

Summary given to schools: Submit an agreement to the county auditor no later than 60 days before the first election of the year stating that the institution will send a housing list (see below) before each election.  The agreement lasts for the rest of the calendar year.  (Your county is required to reach out to you about this agreement and the housing lists.)

QUESTION: Is there a standard format for these agreements? (Does the county have expectations, or is the language the school's choice?  Will the county provide a template?)

QUESTION: Is this a declaration (signed only by the institution) or a mutual agreement (signed by the county as well)?



MN Statute: Section 201.061, Subd. 3a, (b)


Contact your county with questions on agreement format, examples, etc.

2. Student housing list (on and some off campus) to county for each election

No sooner than 20 days before each election, prepare, certify, and submit a list of students in on-campus housing AND in the city/cities where campuses are located (standard for those with students accepting state aid).  Institutions with students accepting federal aid may expand that to students living within ten miles of campus.

MN Statute: Section 135A.17, Subd. 2


MN Statute: Section 201.061, Subd. 3a (d)


Contact your county with questions on list contents, format, etc.

3. Distribute voter registration forms in fall and spring

Provide voter registration forms to enrolled students in the fall and spring semesters.  In even years, fall forms must be delivered at least 36 days before the state general (November) election.  If the form is provided electronically, the email or text must be exclusively about voter registration.

4. Maintain a web page of voter/elections information

This page must include:

(1) resources from state and local election officials on voter registration and voting requirements including voter registration deadlines; residency requirements; acceptable methods of proving residency for same day registration, as applicable; and absentee voting options;

(2) applicable deadlines for requesting and submitting an absentee ballot, as well as additional options for early and in-person voting, and voting on election day;

(3) resources to help students who are registered in another state to apply for absentee ballots in that state, and may include resources from state and local election officials from that state;

(4) the campus vote coordinator's name and contact information; and

(5) the voter engagement plan required by paragraph (b), clause (2).

5. Appoint a Campus Vote Coordinator

The appointed staff person must:

(1) ensure the institution complies with these requirements

(2) consult with the campus student association (see #6)

6. Get student government input on voter registration and elections engagement plans.

Student government must be included in developing the voter engagement plan (which identifies goals and activities, resources to accomplish the identified goals and activities, and individual or key departments responsible for executing the identified goals and activities).

7. Submit annual campus voter engagement report/plan by November 30.

This document outlines the efforts in voter engagement over the past year (including at least '...how and when registration forms distributed and the voter engagement plan under Subd. 3, paragraph (b), clause (2)' which is referenced in #6 above).  Plans may also include information about methods that were effective in increasing student registrations. [The Secretary of State reports to the legislature every year on these plans and outcomes, including best practices and innovative methods that were most effective.  In addition, this website will collect and share what works so that other institutions can benefit from your success and hard work.]