Minnesota Secretary Of State - Voter Registration Counts
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Voter Registration Counts

The totals on this page represent counts of registered and pre-registered voters as of the date shown. Pre-registered voters are 16 and 17 year olds who have submitted a voter registration application and will become registered on their 18th birthday. Actual numbers continue to change daily as county auditors update voter records.

Voter Registration by County since 2000 Spreadsheet (as of May 1, 2024)

Voter Registration by Precinct Split Spreadsheet (May 1, 2024)

Voter Registration by Precinct Spreadsheet (June 1, 2024)

Voter Counts by County as of March 3, 2025
County Registered Voters Pre-Registered Voters
Aitkin 11,692 63
Anoka 236,400 1,934
Becker 22,222 209
Beltrami 28,440 256
Benton 25,950 245
Big Stone 3,151 21
Blue Earth 41,259 330
Brown 16,490 120
Carlton 23,148 178
Carver 76,106 797
Cass 21,583 122
Chippewa 7,053 55
Chisago 39,227 297
Clay 37,745 344
Clearwater 5,347 34
Cook 4,009 19
Cottonwood 6,710 51
Crow Wing 47,166 340
Dakota 290,044 2,404
Dodge 13,835 119
Douglas 27,860 203
Faribault 8,673 74
Fillmore 13,717 116
Freeborn 18,898 161
Goodhue 31,827 238
Grant 3,968 23
Hennepin 814,565 5,739
Houston 12,668 96
Hubbard 15,129 113
Isanti 28,931 258
Itasca 30,312 232
Jackson 6,280 47
Kanabec 10,777 81
Kandiyohi 26,342 223
Kittson 2,749 14
Koochiching 7,526 46
Lac Qui Parle 4,425 34
Lake 7,574 56
Lake Of The Woods 2,697 12
Le Sueur 19,309 215
Lincoln 3,560 33
Lyon 14,898 136
McLeod 23,761 195
Mahnomen 2,662 25
Marshall 5,622 50
Martin 12,158 100
Meeker 15,204 144
Mille Lacs 17,343 149
Morrison 22,539 277
Mower 22,259 214
Murray 5,279 40
Nicollet 21,637 237
Nobles 9,588 105
Norman 3,810 33
Olmsted 103,665 846
Otter Tail 40,622 332
Pennington 8,355 55
Pine 18,892 163
Pipestone 5,350 49
Polk 17,547 201
Pope 7,887 67
Ramsey 319,965 2,260
Red Lake 2,392 24
Redwood 9,316 89
Renville 9,060 80
Rice 40,441 354
Rock 5,928 70
Roseau 9,482 87
St. Louis 132,589 894
Scott 100,290 1,074
Sherburne 65,081 638
Sibley 9,576 78
Stearns 98,943 748
Steele 23,252 203
Stevens 5,590 50
Swift 5,614 52
Todd 15,217 127
Traverse 2,031 7
Wabasha 14,777 111
Wadena 8,947 83
Waseca 11,402 83
Washington 188,576 1,726
Watonwan 5,624 52
Wilkin 3,822 30
Winona 30,603 209
Wright 100,282 1,033
Yellow Medicine 5,934 60
TOTAL 3,659,176 29,592