The types of reports that are available are:
Electronic Fulfillment
Requests for Standard or Limited Search Reports will be electronically fulfilled. An email will be sent to the email address provided and will contain a link (or links) for the Report and/or zip files for requests that include copies.
The Search Report and copies in the zip file can be opened for viewing, printed and/or downloaded. Generally, with all searches, the fewer the criteria entered, the more liens returned in the results.
All search requests with copies will be inspected for SSN’s and redacted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 336.9‐531.
Standard Search Reports
UCC Standard Search Report will include all UCC Financing Statements on file for the EXACT MATCH on a debtor name. This type of search is referred to as a “Certified Search” and is admissible in court.
For Individual Names:
First Name: The search report will include filings that have a first name match to exactly what is entered; a First Letter Name Match of the first name initial that matches the first letter of the name entered will also be returned in the result set.
Example: If the first name of “Julie” is entered the results will include Julie and J. If an initial (single letter for first name) is entered, then the search will also return any match that begins with the initial. Example: If the first name of “J” is entered the results will include Julie, Jennifer and J.
Middle Name: The search report will include filings that have a middle name match to exactly what is entered; a First Letter Name Match of the middle name initial only that matches the first letter of the name entered will also be returned in the result set.
Example: If the middle name of “Marshall” is entered the results will include “Marshall”, “M” as well as no middle name If no middle name is entered, the results will return any middle initial or name for liens that match the first name and/or last name entered.
Example: If the first name of “Scott” and last name of “Gerdes” is entered will include “Scott Gerdes”, “Scott M Gerdes” and “Scott Marshall Gerdes” If an initial (single letter for middle name) is entered, then the search will also return any match that begins with the initial.
Example: If the first name of “J” is entered the results will include Julie, Jennifer and J.
Last Name: The search report will include filings that have a last name match to exactly what is entered.
Example: If the last name entered is “Smith” all liens with the debtor last name of Smith will be returned (limited by first and/or middle name if entered).
For Organization Names:
The search report will include filings that have an organization name match to exactly what is entered.
Example: If the debtor name searched is “ABC Bus” it will return ABC Bus, ABC Bus Inc, ABC Bus Company and so on.
See the Secured Search Logic Implementation Guide to learn more about Normalization routines that all UCC debtor names and all city names go through for storage in and retrieval from the database, and Minnesota Administrative Rules that are applied to UCC Standard and Limited Search Information Requests.
Limited Search Reports
In the case of the UCC Limited Search Report, the results will include the same name matches as the Standard Search, but with the ability to enter specific criteria to limit the results.
Results can be limited by entering a particular city name or a specific date range. In addition, user can select to include lapsed filings and results will include all active filings plus one year of lapsed filings. This type of search is not considered a “Certified Search” and is not admissible in court.
City: By entering a city, the result will include exact matches of the city name entered, plus any city name on the city name equivalency list.
Example: If the city of Blmgtn is entered the results will include Blmgtn and Bloomington. (See Appendix B for complete list)
Date range: By entering a date range the result will include, as modified.
Example: If the start date entered is 1/1/2012 and the end date is 1/1/2013 all liens, that match all other criteria, with either an original filing date or an amendment filing date that falls within this range will be returned. In this example, if the original lien was filed on 6/3/2012 it will be returned, an amendment filed on 10/3/2012 will be returned and so on.