Election official: Scott Peters
General phone: 218-745-4851
Fax: 218-745-5089
Leanne Novacek
208 E Colvin Ave, Ste 11
Warren, MN 56762
Absentee voting contact
Leanne Novacek
Phone: 218-745-4851
Fax: 218-745-5089
Email: leanne.novacek@co.marshall.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Leanne Novacek
Phone: 218-745-4851
Fax: 218-745-5089
Email: leanne.novacek@co.marshall.mn.us
Election official: Michael Forstner
General phone: 507-238-3266
Fax: 507-238-3259
https://www.co.martin.mn.us/ Email: michael.forstner@co.martin.mn.us
Martin County Courthouse
201 Lake Ave
Fairmont, MN 56031
Absentee voting contact
Martin County Elections
Phone: 507-238-3266
Fax: 507-238-3259
Email: elections@co.martin.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Martin County Elections
Phone: 507-238-3266
Fax: 507-238-3259
Email: elections@co.martin.mn.us
Election official: Connie Kurtzweg
General phone: 320-864-1235
Fax: 320-864-3268
https://www.mcleodcountymn.gov/ Email: mcleod.auditor@mcleodcountymn.gov
McLeod County Government Center
520 Chandler Ave N
Glencoe, MN 55336
Absentee voting contact
Janet Betsinger
Phone: 320-864-1203
Fax: 320-864-3268
Email: mcleod.auditor@mcleodcountymn.gov
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Janet Betsinger
Phone: 320-864-1203
Fax: 320-864-3268
Email: mcleod.auditor@mcleodcountymn.gov
Election official: Barbara Loch
General phone: 320-693-5212
Fax: 320-693-5444
https://www.co.meeker.mn.us/ Email: meeker.auditor@co.meeker.mn.us
Meeker County Government Center
114 N Holcombe Ave, Suite 150
Litchfield, MN 55355
Absentee voting contact
Pixie Mumford
Phone: 320-693-5212
Fax: 320-693-5444
Email: pixie.mumford@co.meeker.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Barbara Loch
Phone: 320-693-5212
Fax: 320-693-5444
Email: barb.loch@co.meeker.mn.us
Election official: Brenda Eklund
General phone: 320-983-8310
Fax: 320-983-8336
Mille Lacs County Historic Courthouse
635 2nd St SE
Milaca, MN 56353
Absentee voting contact
Sandy Kephart
Phone: 320-983-8310
Fax: 320-983-8336
Email: sandy.kephart@millelacs.mn.gov
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Brenda Eklund
Phone: 320-983-8310
Fax: 320-983-8336
Email: brenda.eklund@millelacs.mn.gov
Election official: Shannon Coyle
General phone: 320-632-0132
Fax: 320-632-0139
https://www.co.morrison.mn.us/ Email: elections@morrisoncountymn.gov
Morrison County Courthouse
213 SE 1st Ave
Little Falls, MN 56345
Absentee voting contact
Joyce Kahl
Phone: 320-632-0132
Fax: 320-632-0139
Email: elections@morrisoncountymn.gov
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Morrison County Elections
Phone: 320-632-0132
Fax: 320-632-0139
Email: elections@morrisoncountymn.gov
Election official: Scott Felten
General phone: 507-434-2614
Fax: 507-434-2646
Email: scottf@co.mower.mn.us
Mower County Auditor-Treasurer
201 1st Street NE, Suite 7
Austin, MN 55912
Absentee voting contact
Mower County Elections
Phone: 507-434-2614
Fax: 507-434-2646
Email: elections@co.mower.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Mower County Elections
Phone: 507-434-2614
Fax: 507-434-2646
Email: elections@co.mower.mn.us
Election official: Heidi Winter
General phone: 507-836-1152
Fax: 507-836-6114
Street address
Murray County Elections
2500 28th St
Slayton, MN 56172-0057
Mailing address
Murray County Elections
PO Box 57
Slayton, MN 56172-0057
Absentee voting contact
Lisa Carlson
Phone: 507-836-1154
Fax: 507-836-6114
Email: lcarlson@co.murray.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Lisa Carlson
Phone: 507-836-1154
Fax: 507-836-6114
Email: lcarlson@co.murray.mn.us
Election official: Jaci Kopet
General phone: 507-934-7806
Fax: 507-931-0856
https://www.co.nicollet.mn.us/ Email: election@co.nicollet.mn.us
Nicollet County Govt Center
501 S Minnesota Ave
St Peter, MN 56082
Absentee voting contact
Jaci Kopet
Phone: 507-934-7806
Fax: 507-931-0856
Email: election@co.nicollet.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Jaci Kopet
Phone: 507-934-7806
Fax: 507-931-0856
Email: election@co.nicollet.mn.us
Election official: Joyce Jacobs
General phone: 507-295-5258
Fax: 507-372-8390
https://www.co.nobles.mn.us/ Email: elections@co.nobles.mn.us
Street address
Nobles County Auditor-Treasurer
315 10th St
Worthington, MN 56187
Mailing address
Nobles County Auditor-Treasurer
P O Box 757
Worthington, MN 56187
Absentee voting contact
Nobles County Elections
Phone: 507-295-5258
Fax: 507-372-8390
Email: elections@co.nobles.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Nobles County Elections
Phone: 507-295-5258
Fax: 507-372-8390
Email: elections@co.nobles.mn.us
Election official: Amanda Riegert
General phone: 218-784-5471
Fax: 218-784-4531
https://www.co.norman.mn.us/ Email: amanda.riegert@co.norman.mn.us
Street address
Norman County Courthouse
16 E 3rd Ave
Ada, MN 56510
Mailing address
Norman County Courthouse
PO Box 266
Ada, MN 56510
Absentee voting contact
Amanda Riegert
Phone: 218-784-5471
Fax: 218-784-4531
Email: amanda.riegert@co.norman.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Amanda Riegert
Phone: 218-784-5471
Fax: 218-784-4531
Email: amanda.riegert@co.norman.mn.us
Election official: Luke Turner
General phone: 507-328-7650
Fax: 507-328-7640
https://olmstedcounty.gov Email: elections@olmstedcounty.gov
Olmsted County Elections
2122 Campus Dr SE, Suite 300
Rochester, MN 55904
Absentee voting contact
Luke Turner
Phone: 507-328-7650
Fax: 507-328-7640
Email: elections@olmstedcounty.gov
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Luke Turner
Phone: 507-328-7650
Fax: 507-328-7640
Email: elections@olmstedcounty.gov
Election official: Wayne Stein
General phone: 218-998-8041
Fax: 218-998-8042
https://ottertailcounty.govEmail: voter@ottertailcounty.gov
Otter Tail County Government Services Center
510 Fir Ave W
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Absentee voting contact
Karmen Tossett
Phone: 218-998-8040
Fax: 218-998-8042
Email: ktossett@ottertailcounty.gov
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Karmen Tossett
Phone: 218-998-8040
Fax: 218-998-8042
Email: ktossett@ottertailcounty.gov
Election official: Jennifer Herzberg
General phone: 218-683-7000
Fax: 218-683-7026
https://co.pennington.mn.us/ Email: jmherzberg@co.pennington.mn.us
Street address
Pennington County Courthouse
101 Main Ave N
Thief River Falls, MN 56701
Mailing address
Pennington County Courthouse
PO Box 616
Thief River Falls, MN 56701
Absentee voting contact
Jennifer Herzberg
Phone: 218-683-7000
Fax: 218-683-7080
Email: jmherzberg@co.pennington.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Jennifer Herzberg
Phone: 218-683-7000
Fax: 218-683-7080
Email: jmherzberg@co.pennington.mn.us
Election official: Kelly Schroeder
General phone: 320-591-1670
Fax: 320-591-1671
https://www.co.pine.mn.us Email: elections@co.pine.mn.us
Pine County Courthouse
635 Northridge Dr NW Ste 240
Pine City, MN 55063
Absentee voting contact
Kelly Schroeder
Phone: 320-591-1670
Fax: 320-591-1671
Email: elections@co.pine.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Kelly Schroeder
Phone: 320-591-1670
Fax: 320-591-1671
Email: elections@co.pine.mn.us
Election official: Amanda Baarson Sandy
General phone: 507-825-1140
Fax: 507-825-6741
Pipestone County Courthouse
416 Hiawatha Ave S
Pipestone, MN 56164
Absentee voting contact
Sandy Erickson
Phone: 507-825-1140
Fax: 507-825-6741
Email: Sandy.Erickson@pcmn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Sandy Erickson
Phone: 507-825-1140
Fax: 507-825-6741
Email: Sandy.Erickson@pcmn.us
Election official: Samuel Melbye
General phone: 218-281-2554
Fax: 218-281-1636
Polk County Government Center
612 N Broadway Ste 207
Crookston, MN 56716-1452
Absentee voting contact
Polk County Elections
Phone: 218-281-2554
Fax: 218-281-1636
Email: elections@co.polk.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Polk County Elections
Phone: 218-281-2554
Fax: 218-281-1636
Email: elections@co.polk.mn.us
Election official: Stephanie Rust
General phone: 320-634-7706
Fax: 320-634-3087
Pope County Courthouse
130 E Minnesota Ave
Glenwood, MN 56334-4525
Absentee voting contact
Stephanie Rust
Phone: 320-634-7706
Fax: 320-634-3087
Email: elections@popecountymn.gov
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Pope County Auditor-Treasurer's Office
Phone: 320-634-7706
Fax: 320-634-3087
Email: elections@popecountymn.gov
Election official: David Triplett
General phone: 651-266-2171
Fax: 651-266-2177
https://www.ramseycounty.us/residents/elections-voting Email: elections@co.ramsey.mn.us
Street address
Ramsey County Elections
90 W Plato Blvd Ste 160
St Paul, MN 55107
Mailing address
Ramsey County Elections
PO Box 64098
St Paul, MN 55164-0098
Absentee voting contact
Absentee Ballot Coordinator
Phone: 651-266-2171
Fax: 651-266-2177
Email: elections@co.ramsey.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Absentee Ballot Coordinator
Phone: 651-266-2171
Fax: 651-266-2177
Email: elections@co.ramsey.mn.us
Election official: Kelsey Gervais
General phone: 218-253-2598
Fax: 218-253-4894
https://www.co.red-lake.mn.us/ Email: kmgervais@co.red-lake.mn.us
Street address
Red Lake County
124 Langevin Ave
Red Lake Falls, MN 56750
Mailing address
Red Lake County
124 Langevin Ave, PO Box 367
Red Lake Falls, MN 56750
Absentee voting contact
Kelsey Gervais
Phone: 218-253-2598
Fax: 218-253-4894
Email: kmgervais@co.red-lake.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Kelsey Gervais
Phone: 218-253-2598
Fax: 218-253-4894
Email: kmgervais@co.red-lake.mn.us
Election official: Jean Price
General phone: 507-637-4013
Street address
Redwood County Government Center
403 S Mill St
Redwood Falls, MN 56283
Mailing address
Redwood County Government Center
PO Box 130
Redwood Falls, MN 56283
Absentee voting contact
Jean Price
Phone: 507-637-4013
507-637-1511Email: jean_p@co.redwood.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Jean Price
Phone: 507-637-4013
507-637-1511Email: jean_p@co.redwood.mn.us
Election official: Heather Weis
General phone: 320-523-2071
Fax: 320-523-3679
https://www.renvillecountymn.govEmail: elections@renvillecountymn.gov
Renville County Courthouse
500 E Depue Ave Ste 202
Olivia, MN 56277
Absentee voting contact
Renville County Auditor/Treasurer
Phone: 320-523-2071
Fax: 320-523-3679
Email: elections@renvillecountymn.gov
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Renville County Auditor/Treasurer
Phone: 320-523-2071
Fax: 320-523-3679
Email: elections@renvillecountymn.gov
Election official: Denise Anderson
General phone: 507-332-6104
Fax: 507-333-3754
https://www.ricecountymn.gov Email: rcelections@ricecountymn.gov
Rice County Elections
320 3rd St NW
Faribault, MN 55021
Absentee voting contact
Rice County Elections
Phone: 507-332-6104
Fax: 507-333-3754
Email: rcelections@ricecountymn.gov
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Rice County Elections
Phone: 507-332-6104
Fax: 507-333-3754
Email: rcelections@ricecountymn.gov
Election official: Ashley Kurtz
General phone: 507-283-5060
Fax: 507-283-1343
Street address
Rock County Courthouse
204 Brown St E
Luverne, MN 56156
Mailing address
Rock County Courthouse
PO Box 509
Luverne, MN 56156-0509
Absentee voting contact
Ashley Kurtz
Phone: 507-283-5060
Fax: 507-283-1343
Email: ashley.kurtz@co.rock.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Ashley Kurtz
Phone: 507-283-5060
Fax: 507-283-1343
Email: ashley.kurtz@co.rock.mn.us
Election official: Martha (Martie) Monsrud
General phone: 218-463-1282
Fax: 218-463-4283
https://www.co.roseau.mn.us Email: elections@co.roseau.mn.us
Roseau County Courthouse
606 5th Ave SW Rm 160
Roseau, MN 56751-1477
Absentee voting contact
Martha (Martie) Monsrud
Phone: 218-463-1282
Fax: 218-463-4283
Email: elections@co.roseau.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Martha Monsrud
Phone: 218-463-1282
Fax: 218-463-4283
Email: elections@co.roseau.mn.us
Election official: Nancy Nilsen
General phone: 218-726-2385
Fax: 218-725-5060
https://www.stlouiscountymn.gov/ Email: elections@stlouiscountymn.gov
St. Louis County Courthouse
100 N 5th Ave W # 214
Duluth, MN 55802-1293
Absentee voting contact
St. Louis County Elections
Phone: 218-726-2385
Fax: 218-725-5060
Email: elections@stlouiscountymn.gov
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Jon Blevins
Phone: 218-726-2385
Fax: 218-725-5060
Email: elections@stlouiscountymn.gov
Election official: Julie Hanson
General phone: 952-496-8560
Fax: 952-496-8174
https://www.scottcountymn.govEmail: scelections@co.scott.mn.us
Scott County Government Center
200 Fourth Ave W
Shakopee, MN 55379
In-Person Absentee Voting:
Scott County Public Works
600 Country Trail E
Jordan, MN 55352
Absentee voting contact
Julie Hanson
Phone: 952-496-8560
Fax: 952-496-8174
Email: scelections@co.scott.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Julie Hanson
Phone: 952-496-8560
Fax: 952-496-8174
Email: scelections@co.scott.mn.us
Election official: Loraine Rupp
General phone: 763-765-4351
Fax: 763-765-4400
https://www.co.sherburne.mn.usEmail: elections@co.sherburne.mn.us
Sherburne County Government Center
13880 Business Center Drive NW, Suite 100
Elk River, MN 55330
Absentee voting contact
Kenneth Selser, Jr.
Phone: 763-765-4351
Fax: 763-765-4400
Email: elections@co.sherburne.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Kenneth Selser, Jr.
Phone: 763-765-4351
Fax: 763-765-4400
Email: elections@co.sherburne.mn.us
Election official: Marilee Peterson
General phone: 507-237-4070
Fax: 507-237-4358
https://www.sibleycounty.govEmail: Elections@sibleycounty.gov
Street address
Sibley County Auditor-Treasurer
400 Court Avenue
Gaylord, MN 55334-0051
Mailing address
Sibley County Auditor-Treasurer
PO Box 51
Gaylord, MN 55334
Absentee voting contact
Jennie Radloff
Phone: 507-237-4070
Fax: 507-237-4358
Email: Elections@sibleycounty.gov
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Jennie Radloff
Phone: 507-237-4070
Fax: 507-237-4358
Email: Elections@sibleycounty.gov
Email: elections@stearnscountymn.gov
Stearns County Service Center
Attn: Elections
3301 County Road 138
Waite Park, MN 56387
Absentee voting contact
Julie Ritz
Phone: 320-656-6522
Fax: 320-203-6960
Email: julie.ritz@stearnscountymn.gov
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Nikki Lahr
Phone: 320-656-6384
Fax: 320-203-6960
Email: nikki.lahr@stearnscountymn.gov
Election official: Jennifer Mueller
General phone: 507-444-7410
Fax: 507-444-7470
Property Tax & Elections
630 Florence Ave
Owatonna, MN 55060
Absentee voting contact
Property Tax & Elections
Phone: 507-444-7410
Fax: 507-444-7470
Email: auditor@steelecountymn.gov
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Christine Laue
Phone: 507-444-7410
Fax: 507-444-7470
Email: christine.laue@steelecountymn.gov
Election official: Stephanie Buss
General phone: 320-208-6570
Fax: 320-589-2036
https://www.co.stevens.mn.us/ Email: stephanie@co.stevens.mn.us
Street address
Stevens County Auditor
400 Colorado Ave Ste 303
Morris, MN 56267
Mailing address
Stevens County Auditor
400 Colorado Ave Ste 303
Morris, MN 56267
Absentee voting contact
Katie Rodne
Phone: 320-208-6570
Fax: 320-589-2036
Email: katierodne@co.stevens.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Katie Rodne
Phone: 320-208-6570
Fax: 320-589-2036
Email: katierodne@co.stevens.mn.us
Election official: Swift County Auditor
General phone: 320-843-4069
Fax: 320-843-2275
https://www.swiftcounty.com/ Email: katie.foley@swiftmn.us
Street address
Swift County Auditor
301 14th St N
Benson, MN 56215
Mailing address
Swift County Auditor
PO Box 207
Benson, MN 56215
Absentee voting contact
Swift County Auditor
Phone: 320-843-4069
Fax: 320-843-2275
Email: katie.foley@swiftmn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Swift County Auditor
Phone: 320-843-4069
Fax: 320-843-2275
Email: katie.foley@swiftmn.us
Election official: Denise Gaida
General phone: 320-732-4472
Fax: 320-732-4001
https://www.co.todd.mn.us/ Email: elections@co.todd.mn.us
Todd County Historic Courthouse
215 1st Ave S Ste 201
Long Prairie, MN 56347
Absentee voting contact
Jolene Sabrowsky
Phone: 320-732-4414
Fax: 320-732-4001
Email: jolene.sabrowsky@co.todd.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Jolene Sabrowsky
Phone: 320-732-4414
Fax: 320-732-4001
Email: elections@co.todd.mn.us
Election official: Kit Johnson
General phone: 320-422-7740
Fax: 320-563-1601
Street address
Traverse County Courthouse
702 2nd Ave N
Wheaton, MN 56296
Mailing address
Traverse County Courthouse
PO Box 428
Wheaton, MN 56296
Absentee voting contact
Kit Johnson
Phone: 320-422-7740
Fax: 320-563-1601
Email: kit.johnson@co.traverse.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Kit Johnson
Phone: 320-422-7740
Fax: 320-563-1601
Email: kit.johnson@co.traverse.mn.us
Election official: Francie Warren
General phone: 651-565-2648
Fax: 651-565-2774
Street address
Wabasha County Auditor/Treasurer
625 Jefferson Ave
Wabasha, MN 55981
Mailing address
Wabasha County Auditor/Treasurer
625 Jefferson Ave
Wabasha, MN 55981
Absentee voting contact
Francie Warren
Phone: 651-565-2648
Fax: 651-565-2774
Email: fwarren@co.wabasha.mn.us
Additional absentee voting contact
Kathi Wallerich
Phone: 651-565-2648
Fax: 651-565-2774
Email: kwallerich@co.wabasha.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Francie Warren
Phone: 651-565-2648
Fax: 651-565-2774
Email: fwarren@co.wabasha.mn.us
Election official: Heather Olson
General phone: 218-631-7792
Fax: 218-631-7652
Wadena County Courthouse
415 S Jefferson St
Wadena, MN 56482
Absentee voting contact
Heather Olson
Phone: 218-631-7792
Fax: 218-631-7652
Email: heather.olson@wcmn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Heather Olson
Phone: 218-631-7792
Fax: 218-631-7652
Email: heather.olson@wcmn.us
Election official: Tamara J. Spooner
General phone: 507-835-0610
Fax: 507-835-0633
Street address
Waseca County Auditor
307 N State St
Waseca, MN 56093
Mailing address
Waseca County Auditor
PO Box 47
Waseca, MN 56093
Absentee voting contact
MacKenna Schmidt
Phone: 507-835-0699
Fax: 507-835-0633
Email: mackenna.schmidt@wasecacounty.gov
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
MacKenna Schmidt
Phone: 507-835-0699
Fax: 507-835-0633
Email: mackenna.schmidt@wasecacounty.gov
Election official: Christine Piskura
General phone: 651-430-6790
Fax: 651-430-6178
https://washingtoncountymn.govEmail: elections@washingtoncountymn.gov
Street address
Washington County Government Center
14949 62nd St N
Stillwater, MN 55082
Mailing address
Washington County Government Center
14949 62nd St N - PO Box 6
Stillwater, MN 55082
Absentee voting contact
Washington County Elections
Phone: 651-430-6790
Fax: 651-430-6178
Email: elections@washingtoncountymn.gov
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Washington County Elections
Phone: 651-430-6790
Fax: 651-430-6178
Email: electionsUOCAVA@washingtoncountymn.gov
Election official: Kelly Pauling
General phone: 507-375-1210
Fax: 507-375-3547
Street address
Watonwan County Courthouse
710 2nd Ave S
Saint James, MN 56081
Mailing address
Watonwan County Courthouse
PO Box 518
St James, MN 56081
Absentee voting contact
Kelly Pauling
Phone: 507-375-1210
Fax: 507-375-3547
Email: kelly.pauling@co.watonwan.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Kelly Pauling
Phone: 507-375-1210
Fax: 507-375-3547
Email: kelly.pauling@co.watonwan.mn.us
Election official: Janelle Krump
General phone: 218-643-7165
Fax: 218-643-7169
https://wilkincounty.gov/Email: jkrump@co.wilkin.mn.us
Street address
Wilkin County Courthouse
300 S 5th St
Breckenridge, MN 56520
Mailing address
Wilkin County Courthouse
P.O. Box 409
Breckenridge, MN 56520
Absentee voting contact
Brenda Conzemius
Phone: 218-643-7165
Fax: 218-643-7169
Email: bconzemius@co.wilkin.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Brenda Conzemius
Phone: 218-643-7165
Fax: 218-643-7169
Email: bconzemius@co.wilkin.mn.us
Election official: Chelsi Wilbright
General phone: 507-457-8830
Fax: 507-454-9368
https://www.co.winona.mn.us/ Email: elections@co.winona.mn.us
Winona County Auditor-Treasurer
202 W Third St
Winona, MN 55987
Absentee voting contact
Chelsi Wilbright
Phone: 507-457-8830
Fax: 507-454-9368
Email: elections@co.winona.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Chelsi Wilbright
Phone: 507-457-8830
Fax: 507-454-9368
Email: elections@co.winona.mn.us
Election official: Tyler Webster
General phone: 763-684-2392
Fax: 763-682-7873
https://www.co.wright.mn.us/ Email:
Wright County Government Center
3650 Braddock Ave NE, Suite 1400
Buffalo, MN 55313-1195
Absentee voting contact
Lanette Paumen
Phone: 763-682-7692
Fax: 763-682-7873
Email: elections@co.wright.mn.us
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Lanette Paumen
Phone: 763-682-7692
Fax: 763-682-7873
Email: elections@co.wright.mn.us
Election official: Janel Timm
General phone: 320-564-3132
Fax: 320-564-0927
https://www.co.ym.mn.gov Email: janel.timm@co.ym.mn.gov
YMC Government Center
180 8th Ave
Granite Falls, MN 56241-1508
Absentee voting contact
Amy Redepenning
Phone: 320-564-3132
Fax: 320-564-0927
Email: amy.redepenning@co.ym.mn.gov
Military and overseas absentee voting contact
Amy Redepenning
Phone: 320-564-3132
Fax: 320-564-0927
Email: amyr@co.ym.mn.gov