If you are registered to vote, your name will be on a list of voters. You just need to write your signature next to your name. If you are registered, you do not need to show ID when you sign in.
If you did not register before Election Day, you must show proof of your current address. See a list of all the types of ID and documents you can bring.
You will vote in a private area, and your vote is secret. Vote with a pen or pencil, and completely fill in the oval next to your choice. You can also fill out your ballot using a ballot-marking machine. It has many options for marking your ballot, such as large print, audio instructions, key pad or touchscreen.
The ballot instructions will say how many candidates you can choose for each office. Usually it will say to ‘choose one.’ Some local offices may have more than one seat to fill.
Your ballot will count even if you do not vote on every race or ballot question.
If you make a mistake, you have a right to ask for a replacement ballot.
Take your ballot to the ballot box
After you have voted, put your ballot in the ballot-counter machine.
Be sure to get your “I Voted” sticker before you leave!