Minnesota Secretary Of State - Secretary Simon Responds to United States Supreme Court Mansky Opinion
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Secretary Simon Responds to United States Supreme Court Mansky Opinion

June 14, 2018

“Freedom of political speech is a cornerstone of the First Amendment,” said Secretary Simon. “As Minnesota’s chief elections official, I am gratified that the Supreme Court today provided clarity for Minnesotans..."

SAINT PAUL — Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon today issued the following statement in response the 7-2 United States Supreme Court opinion in the case of Minnesota Voters Alliance et. al. v. Mansky et. al. 

“Freedom of political speech is a cornerstone of the First Amendment,” said Secretary Simon. “As Minnesota’s chief elections official, I am gratified that the Supreme Court today provided clarity for Minnesotans, while also recognizing the vital interest of maintaining an ‘island of calm’ in our polling places. The legislature now must change Minnesota law so that it is entirely consistent with the right of free speech and expression – while also maintaining the sanctity of the polling place. Until they do so, my office will work with local election administrators to ensure that the current law is administered in a manner faithful to the Court’s decision.”

In light of the Court’s ruling, Secretary Simon will issue updated guidance to local election officials regarding “political apparel” in the polling place.

Secretary Simon added: “Today’s decision also serves as a reminder that Minnesotans can wear anything they want if they make use of our ‘Vote from Home’ law, which allows all voters to vote from home without having to go to a polling place.” 

Early voting for the 2018 Primary Election begins on June 29, 2018. Primary Election Day is August 14, 2018 and the statewide general election will be held on November 6, 2018. Eligible Minnesotans can register, check their registration status, or request a vote-from-home absentee ballot by visiting: www.mnvotes.org.