Minnesota Secretary Of State - Secretary Simon Honors Girl Scouts for Voter Outreach Efforts
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Secretary Simon Honors Girl Scouts for Voter Outreach Efforts

October 18, 2023

The “Ready, Set, Vote!” Patch Program Prepares Girl Scouts to Pre-Register as Minnesota Voters So They’re Ready to Vote Once They Turn 18

SAINT PAUL – On October 17, Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon honored five local Girl Scouts for earning the “Ready, Set, Vote!” patch newly introduced by the Girl Scouts River Valleys.

The “Ready, Set, Vote!” patch program is the first of its kind in Girl Scouting and was born out of a partnership between Girl Scouts River Valleys and the Office of the Secretary of State following the recent passage of the Democracy for the People Act, which includes a provision allowing 16- and 17-year-olds to pre-register to vote.

“We know that when people are engaged in democracy at a young age, they are more likely to remain engaged throughout their lives,” said Secretary Simon. “Each Girl Scout who earns this new patch is not only becoming more involved in their government themselves, but they are also learning about the value of bringing their community along with them.”

Girl Scouts earned their patches by reading a letter from the Secretary of State’s office, completing a practice voter registration form, researching who represents them at different levels of government, and sharing what they learned with three friends to encourage civic engagement by young people.

“The world changes for the better when young people find their voices and learn how to use them,” said Girl Scouts River Valleys CEO, Marisa C. Williams. “Our Girl Scouts are doing just that by enthusiastically kicking off their voting journeys, becoming more informed and engaged constituents, and calling upon their peers to do the same. These seemingly small actions make a profound difference at an important time for our democracy.”

As many as 800 local Girl Scouts will be eligible to earn the patch this year, which will prepare them to pre-register as voters, so they’re fully prepared to vote in their first election.

Sec. Simon awards "Ready Set Vote" patch

Photo (left to right): Marisa Williams, Girl Scouts of River Valleys CEO; Cass Crawford; Lilia Civettini; Emma Peterson; Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon; Sarah Hursh; Elizabeth Simons. Photo by Sara Gove.