Minnesota Secretary Of State - Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State to Temporarily Relocate to Veterans Service Building
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Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State to Temporarily Relocate to Veterans Service Building

December 1, 2023

The Elections and Administration divisions will work out of the Veterans Service Building until construction is completed on the new State Office Building

SAINT PAUL – The Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Elections and Administration divisions will be temporarily relocating to the Veterans Service Building starting on December 11, 2023 while construction is underway at the State Office Building. Construction is expected to last through 2026.

“I am grateful to the Minnesota Department of Administration for facilitating a temporary space that will allow for our election and administrative staff to have continuity throughout the construction period, which includes the upcoming 2024 elections,” said Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon. “This temporary space will allow us to continue to provide the high level of service Minnesotans expect from our office.”

During the week of December 4, 2023, staff will work remotely to allow for an orderly transition to the new workspace. To contact the elections or administration divisions email secretary.state@state.mn.us or call 651-215-1440.

Our office at the Veterans Service Building will not have a public counter. Those who need to conduct business with the office in person should make arrangements ahead of time by email or phone. All staff emails and phone numbers will stay the same.

There will be a drop box in the Veterans Service Building lobby for those that need to drop forms for processing (voter registration forms, map requests, and other documents). Documents can also be dropped off at the Business Services Division, which will continue to be located at the First National Bank Building (332 Minnesota Street, Suite N201, Saint Paul, MN 55101).

Special arrangements are being made to facilitate candidate filing in May – June 2024. More information will be made available in the coming months.

The mailing address for the Secretary of State’s Office at the Veterans Service Building is:

Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State
attn: [insert division name]
Veterans Service Building
20 W 12th Street, Suite 210
Saint Paul, MN 55155

Mail addressed to the State Office Building will continue to be delivered through construction.

The Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Business Services division will continue be located at the First National Bank Building.