Minnesota Secretary Of State - Minnesota's Voting Season Starts September 23
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Minnesota's Voting Season Starts September 23

September 12, 2022

September is Voter Registration Month

Voting season is just around the corner in Minnesota and now is the time to get registered. Using mnvotes.gov, Minnesotans can register to vote, check their registration, and update their registration on their computer or smartphone. Early voting will begin on September 23. Minnesota registered voters can request an absentee ballot to vote from home at mnvotes.gov or vote early with an absentee ballot at a local election office.

To highlight the importance of updating and registering to vote, Governor Tim Walz proclaimed September Voter Registration Month in Minnesota.

“Minnesota leads the nation in voter registration, still we know that as many as 550,000 Minnesotans who are eligible to vote are not yet registered,” said Secretary Steve Simon. “That’s why our office is working with local elections partners around the state to ensure that every Minnesotan has the opportunity to make their voice heard at the polls this voting season.”

Voter Registration Month culminates on Voter Registration Day September 20 – the national holiday for registration. Secretary Simon will make several stops at area colleges and universities to encourage young voters to make a plan to vote ahead of November 8.

Registration is especially important for those who live in mail-in ballot precincts. In the 2022 election, more than 150,000 Minnesotans live in areas that vote exclusively by mail—without a local polling place. Registered voters in these parts of the state will be mailed ballots starting September 23, which must be returned to elections offices by November 8.

In addition to registering to vote, Minnesotans can use mnvotes.gov to learn more about the races on the ballot and where they can vote. This year voters may notice the races they can vote in, and their polling places, have changed due to redistricting. In Minnesota, new maps of these district lines were produced by a panel of five judges and released to the public on February 15, 2022.

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