Minnesota Secretary Of State - In new TV PSA, Twins stars Mauer, Dozier, Gibson urge Minnesotans to vote on November 8
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In new TV PSA, Twins stars Mauer, Dozier, Gibson urge Minnesotans to vote on November 8

September 20, 2016

New partnership announced as absentee voting in November election begins Friday

SAINT PAUL — Today, Secretary of State Steve Simon and the Minnesota Twins announced a joint partnership focused on encouraging Minnesotans to vote on November 8th, including a new 15-second TV public service announcement featuring several of the team’s biggest stars.

The TV PSA features first baseman Joe Mauer, second baseman Brian Dozier, and pitcher Kyle Gibson reminding Minnesotans “how important it is for you to get involved and go vote.” The PSA ends with Mauer telling Minnesotans, “Exercise your right to vote November 8th.”

The spot, which is now airing on FOX Sports North, encourages Minnesotans to visit mnvotes.org to register to vote online and request an absentee ballot. Eligible voters can begin casting their ballots early for the November 8 General Election this Friday by voting absentee. Click here to watch the PSA.

“It’s never been easier and more convenient to register and to vote in Minnesota, and I’m thankful for the great work the Twins are doing to help spread that message,” said Secretary Simon. “I’ve challenged the people of Minnesota, and the thousands of nonprofits and businesses across the state, to return Minnesota back to number one in voter turnout and that goal can only be reached by working together.”

“The Minnesota Twins encourages all of its fans to step up to the plate and make their voice heard by voting on November 8,” said Twins President Dave St. Peter. “Minnesotans unable to make it to the polls on Election Day, or who want to vote before November 8 for any reason, can cast their ballots early by voting absentee beginning this Friday.”

The 15-second PSA will air on FOX Sports North, which telecasts Twins games, between now and October 18, the pre-registration deadline in Minnesota. A 5-second PSA that encourages Minnesotans to vote on November 8 will air between now and Election Day.

The partnership with the Twins also includes in-stadium promotions of voting messages and voter registration efforts.
